Objectives and Strategy

The Foundation’s objectives and strategies to achieve reform and advance U.S. health care.


The Imperative Foundation’s Objectives Are To:

  • Provide information to citizens, employers, and communities on the need to reform U.S. health care and how health care can be advanced for the benefit of our citizens and the nation.
  • Formation of a national alliance of citizens, employers, and communities advocating health care reform.
  • Reform U.S. health care to:
    • Increase the quality and delivery of health care.
    • Substantially reduce the overall costs of health care.
    • Substantially reduce the waste and fraud in Medicare, Medicaid, and the overall health care system.
    • Bring accountability and transparency throughout the health care system.
    • Accelerate the development of medical technologies that increase the quality of health care and reduce the costs of health care delivery.
  • Development of public policy and legislation that:
    • Reforms U.S. health care.
    • Enables substantial reductions in pharmaceutical costs.
    • Protects the funding and security Medicare and Medicaid.
    • Ensures health care data privacy for patients and citizens
    • Facilitates the transition to universal health care
  • Compel congress to pass the health care reform and advancement legislation, without compromising its impact. 

Reforming And Advancing U.S. Health Care

  • To reform a deeply entrenched system requires a strong force and a technology that can disrupt the entrenched system.
  • To advance a previously entrenched system, you need a technology that can drive and accelerate the construction of a new and better system.
  • The strong force is the national alliance of citizens, employers, and communities.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is both the needed disruptive technology and constructive technology.

At its core, health care is data and knowledge.  Advanced AI – far more advanced than today’s AI – has the ability to aggregate the massive amount of past health care data and daily new data inflow and extract the knowledge from that data.

For it is knowledge that provides ability to both reform and advance U.S. health care.


Strategy To Reduce Pharmaceutical Costs​

Pharmaceutical costs can be substantially decreased by:

  • Aligning U.S.  pharmaceuticals prices to the lowest cost paid by other peer industrialized nations.
  • Disallowing patent extensions beyond the standard 20 years.
  • Defining the true efficacy of pharmaceuticals.
  • Accelerating the development of highly efficacious and cost-effective pharmaceuticals.

Strategy To Reform U.S. Health Care

The application of the knowledge generated by AI will bring transparency and accountability throughout the entire health care system that will allow the nation to substantially reduce the:

  • $1.15+ trillion of annual waste in U.S. health care expenditures (link).
  • $100+ billion of fraud in Medicare (link).
  • Hundreds of billions of financial and time waste resulting from incorrect diagnoses and treatments, misaligned incentives that increase the cost of health care, and practices and applications that increase health care costs and lack value.

Strategy To Advance U.S. Health Care

Advanced AI will be able to generate the knowledge needed to:

  • Enable physicians to quickly and cost-effectively define the patient’s correct diagnosis and apply the optimal treatment protocol.
  • Accelerate the development of highly efficacious and cost-effective pharmaceuticals, vaccines, medical technologies, and treatments.
  • Substantially increase the overall quality and delivery of health care.
  • Enable the ability to anticipate and mitigate the impact of future pandemics and threats to global health. 

Quantum computing will greatly accelerate developments in health care by utilizing the data and knowledge from AI, to run millions/billions of simulations to define the structure of new medicines, treatments, and technologies.

National Alliance

The reform of U.S. health care and a transition to universal health care, will require passage of effective and uncompromised federal legislation.  Only a strong national alliance of citizens, employers, and communities has the ability to:

  • Overcome congress’ ambivalence to implement true and effective health care reform.
  • Surmount the health care industry’s influence over congress to resist, minimize, and defeat health care reforms.
  • Compel congress to act on behalf of its citizens and the nation and pass the required health care reform legislation.

Lobbying Congress

A tax-exempt entity is limited in directly lobbying congress and cannot lobby for specific legislation  (link). 

As the Imperative Foundation, will not be able to lobby, it will be necessary to develop a separate entity to lobby congress on the Imperative Foundation’s proposed legislation and public policy.

Public Private Partnership (PPP)​

The AI and quantum technologies of the present, are hundreds of billions of investment capital away from the technologies’ potential and needed capabilities in health care and social, research, industrial and government sectors.

The Public Private Partnership page explains the opportunity to fund and develop the technologies through a PPP using U.S. health care as capitalization and development platform.