
Congress And Our Health Care

Over the last 40 years, our U.S. congress has demonstrated it is incapable of reducing the ever-increasing pharmaceutical and health care costs paid by citizens, employers, Medicare, and Medicaid. 

Congress’ actions and failures to act, have greatly increased the cost of our family’s and the nation’s health care. 

The Reality

Only a national alliance can compel congress to act on behalf of its citizens to reduce health care costs and transition the nation to universal health care…. which we are already paying for, but not receiving.

The Mission

The Imperative Foundation’s mission is to build a national alliance of citizens, employers, and communities to compel our elected representatives in congress to pass legislation that substantially reduces pharmaceutical costs, reforms our health care system, increases the quality of our health care, drives innovation, and facilitates our nation’s transition to universal health care. 

All of this can be achieved with your participation and support.

How You Can Participate

Tell your family and friends about the Imperative Foundation and our website.

Use your social media to let your friends/followers know of the Imperative Foundation.

Inform your employer of the Imperative Foundation; employers are seeking solutions for providing health care benefits.

In time, we will need your help to organize citizens and employers in your area; let us know if you are interested to volunteer your skills and time to do so.

Keep Informed by signing up for our newsletter.

Tell us your health care story.

Donate – Our ability to organize the national alliance and implement our mission is dependent on donations from you and others like you; persons who recognize our imperative duty to reform U.S. health care…. is now.

The Facts

U.S health care expenditures are more than two times the per person average of similar industrialized nations that provide universal health care to all their citizens.

43.9% of Americans (147.7 million) are uninsured, under-insured, have medical debt, or cannot afford needed medications.

51.0 % of working-age Americans (106.4 million) struggle to afford their health care.

87% of employers say the costs of providing health care benefits for employees is unsustainable and 86% say a greater government role in providing health care coverage (universal health care) would be better for their employees.

Medicare will be underfunded by 2036; Social Security by 2035.

Generations X, Y, Z, and Alpha are paying for Medicare and Social Security benefits they will not receive.

Website Table of Contents

  • The Need To Reform – Documented facts on the need to reform U.S. health care.
  • Objectives and Strategies – The Foundation’s objectives and strategies to achieve reform and advance U.S. health care.
  • Generations X, Y, Z, Alpha, and Boomers – The underfunding of Medicare and Social Security and its impact on each generation.
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP) – An overview of the technologies needed to accelerate the advancement of health care, mitigate future global health threats, and how the technologies can be funded, developed, and their development costs recouped.
  • Data Privacy – The importance of health care data privacy, how it can be protected and how data privacy can help ensure the reform and advancement of U.S. health care.
  • Health Care Industry – The power of the health care industry to influence and define health care legislation and shift hundreds of billions of costs to citizens, employers, Medicare, and Medicaid.
  • To The Health Care Industry – A message to the health care industry by the President of the Foundation.
  • About – The background to the formation of the Imperative Foundation
  • Information Resources

Recent Publication

Mirror, Mirror 2024: A Portrait of the Failing U.S. Health System” (link); is a report comparing the U.S. health care system and that of nine of other nations.

The report was published by the Commonwealth Fund, a major research institution for equitable health care.


CBS 60 Minutes program that illustrates the power of the pharmaceutical lobby to prevent Medicare from acquiring lower priced drugs for Medicare beneficiaries.  The cost to Medicare has been nearly $500 billion. Video link

New York Times interviews with Republicans and Democrats retiring from the House and Senate after the national elections in November of 2024.  

The exiting members state getting money out of politics is critically important to the nation, but congress cannot do it; only citizens can get the money out of politics.  The same is true for reforming U.S. health care; only an alliance of citizens, employers, and communities can compel congress to act. Video link