Public Private Partnership (PPP)

This page is an overview of the technologies needed to accelerate the advancement of health care, mitigate future global health threats, and how the technologies can be funded, developed, and their development costs recouped.

Public Private Partnership

U.S. National Priorities​

By 2019, the U.S. made artificial intelligence (AI) a national priority (link).  AI and quantum technologies are part of the nation’s “Critical and Emerging Technologies List” (link). 

Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing were designated U.S. national development priorities based upon their substantial potential for driving social, research, industrial, and economic development and increasing national and economic security.  

Recognition of AI’s and quantum’s potential has created a global competition between companies and nations for development of the technologies.

Relative to their potential and despite the billions of capital already invested, AI is still in its infancy and quantum computing is just emerging from research and development laboratories. 

Moonshot Program

The development of AI and quantum technologies to enable their broad and deep potential in health care, research and development, social and economic development, job creation, and national security, will require hundreds of billions of new investment capital.

An accelerated development program for AI and quantum computing requires a focused and well-funded Apollo moonshot type program developed through a public private partnership (PPP) between the public sector (government) and private sector (corporations).

The Imperative And The Immaterial​

With $1.15 trillion of annual waste in U.S. health care, $100+ billion of annual fraud in just Medicare (link), and the potential for trillions of social and economic costs from a future pandemic…. it is imperative to fund the development of advanced AI and quantum computing for their application in health care.

The cost savings and broad benefits from the application of advanced AI and quantum computing in health care alone, render the development costs of AI and quantum computing, as fundamentally immaterial.

Public Private Partnership

The PPP strategy utilizes the strengths of private sector and the capital of the public sector to develop the advanced AI and quantum computing technologies. 

Elements of the PPP proposal include:

  • Utilizing U.S. health care as the capitalization and development platform for AI and quantum (see below)
  • The federal government provides the capital, based upon specific milestones and other criteria.
  • The private sector has a reasonable capital buy-into the PPP, contributes its AI and quantum technologies, and provides human resources.
  • In exchange, the private sector acquires license rights to the AI, quantum, and other technologies and applications developed by the PPP.
  • Protection of citizen and patient data privacy is an “absolute” in all health care related technologies, applications, and other health care outcomes of the PPP.

U.S. Health Care As The Platform

U.S. health care is the needed moonshot platform to capitalize and develop advanced AI and quantum computing technologies through a PPP. 

The rationale to utilize U.S. health care as the platform, is based upon:

  • Health care represents a significant challenge to AI due to its complexity, massive data sets, and significant daily inflow of new data.
  • Advanced AI developed for health care, will have broad application across social, scientific, industrial, and government sectors.
  • All development costs for advanced AI and quantum computing, can be recouped within five years of their application in health care, even the costs exceed $300 billion.

Benefits Of Health Care As The Platform

The application of advanced AI and quantum computing technologies in U.S. health care, will:

  • Substantially increase the quality and delivery of health care.
  • Substantially reduce health care costs. 
  • Bring accountability throughout the health care system.
  • Accelerate the advancement of medical knowledge, technologies, and applications.
  • Mitigate and cure diseases, including autoimmune diseases that affect millions of people.
  • Aid in securing the futures of Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Mitigate and prevent future pandemics and threats to global health.

Data Privacy

See the data privacy page for an explanation on its importance and how it can bring about reform of U.S. health care and transition to universal health care.

Why Not Private Sector Funding For AI And Quantum Technologies

Private funding will be far less than what is needed to develop the advanced AI and quantum technologies we need in health care or as a nation.

Investment capital for AI and quantum from corporations, institutional investors, and private investors is:

  • Predominantly targeted on technology and applications that generate near term revenues and profits.
  • Focused on similar products, applications, and markets, which narrows the broader development of AI, its applications, and overall utilization.
  • Cyclical, subject to national and global economic conditions, the “bull and bear” cycles in the capital markets, and fluctuating interests of institutional investors.